Tuesday, January 25, 2011

9/1979 ~ 1/2011

1979 ~ Started my Career in Mortgage Business - loved it!
1990 ~ Married (we had been together 7 yrs) - I was 30.
1990 ~ had my first Ovarian Cyst Removed (ended up w/4 more surgeries to remove cyst)
1995 ~ Had Hysterectomy (more cysts) We had no children - even tried Fertility Clinic.
1996 ~ Became Disabled Severe Chronic Pain ~ they assume multiple past car accidents.
2005 ~ Our home was Completely Submerged, total loss denied by FEMA & Ripped Off by Ins.
2005 ~ Our rental property had 6 ft of water from Katrina & our Prop in MS had tree & wind Damage.
2005 ~ Our entire Family lost their homes - we lost total of 9 that day.
2006 ~ The first time we (my family) were now separated by space, prior to Katrina we all lived within 5 minutes of each other.
2006 ~ My Husband got his first Staph Infection (probably trying to clear out my destroyed home)
2007 ~ My Husband got a Severe Staph Infection 3rd), had to have pic line put in and I had to replace antibiotic bag every 24 hrs., he missed 7 months of work!
2008 ~ My Husband Diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, I blame it on 3 Staph Infections caused by Hurricane Katrina!
2009 ~ my first cousin Larry died from Cancer.
2010 ~ my first cousin Barry (Larry's identical twin) after being told he was now cancer free -- died.
2010 ~ My first cousin Randy, was told he had inoperable Pancreatic Cancer.
2010 ~ My Husband passed away ~ that day he took groceries out of my car, ate a full dinner, had some ice Cream, about 1/2 hour later he said he was real cold and was going to get under covers in bed. 3 Hours later I heard a moan, I ran in the bedroom - he could not breath. Called 911 - they said he had pneumonia was sepsis and was in full organ failure. The Hospital said there was nothing THEY could do for him, wanted to air lift him to Ochsner (his regular Health Care Facility). A half hour later they said Helicopter could not bring him because there were gusts in NOLA due to Tropical Storm Bonnie. THey were going to transfer him via ambulance.
I rushed home and got my belongings together, called my sister in law to see if ambulance got there yet -- she said "No, they said he is too unstable to be moved now!" I rushed back. His Heart and pulse was fading away.When I went in his room they were doing CPR - I threw myself over his legs and begged the doctors to stop! I continued to beg, I cursed the doctors and begged some more for them to stop! I told 
Rene to go towards the light, look for his Mom and other relatives,I told him not to come back to go and be with God! I promised him I'd be okay. I begged the doctors again and they finally stopped CPR for 30 seconds, I screamed "call it, call it, please call it!" at 7:53 am on July 24th 2010 the doctor called it!
2010 ~ My first cousin Randy died from Pancreatic Cancer.
2010 ~ My sister's spouse Eddie had surgery to remove an aneurysm. The surgery went fine, but his abdomen never went down he looked like he was 7 mos pregnant. They did a tummy tuck and fixed it but the incision wouldn't heal. The doctors decided to do a skin graph and told him he'd have to stay in the Hosp. for a few days. They did the skin graph but let him go home after 3 hours. A week later they told him the graph didn't work but they were waiting for his leg to heal (where they took the graph from). 
About 2 weeks later he "just didn't feel good and both legs hurt." My Sister took him to ER. They said it was infected and he was now in full kidney failure and they had to do Dialysis. When they did the Dialysis he "coded." They brought him back but no explanation on why he coded. They did Dialysis again and he coded!They brought him back, then they told my sister they didn't know why he kept 'coding but she had to make a decision.'
2010 ~ On 12/23/2010 My Sister Rhonda's Spouse Eddie died... we do not have autopsy report yet.

2011 ~ I am still waiting for God to point me in the direction I am supposed to go in for the next Chapter of my Life.
I believe my husband of 20 years job was done and he was Blessed and taken home to God! I believe I apparently still have work to do until it's my time to go home. I have recently fallen into depression but feel that I am 'coming out again' as I am feeling better than I have for the past 3 weeks.
I have put my HOPE in Springs arrival! I hope and pray that I have the strength and will to activate myself and participate in Springs Arrival otherwise, I will let myself down...